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Home > Remote Desktop > Boston IVF Remote Access Step by Step Guide
Boston IVF Remote Access Step by Step Guide
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Boston IVF Remote Access Step by Step Guide



  1. A personal or work cell phone.
  2. A personal computer that is less than 3 years old (PC or Mac).
  3. The ability to install the Microsoft Authenticator app onto your cell phone and install applications onto your computer.



  1. Download the Microsoft Authenticator app to your cell phone.
  2. Setup your Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) to work with your Microsoft Authenticator app. How to setup Microsoft Authenticator to work with Cisco AnyConnect.mp4
  3. Download and install the Cisco AnyConnect application to your computer.



Login with your Boston IVF email and Network Password.  The site will detect your computer and a download box will appear.



  1. Setup or install the Remote Desktop application on your computer. 


PC: Download and save this pre-configured shortcut to your desktop.

MD's Only: BIVF Remote MD.rdp

New England: Boston IVF Remote.rdp

New York: NY Remote.rdp

North Carolina: NC Remote Desktop.rdp


Connecting to Remote Desktop:

  1. Open Cisco AnyConnect. 
  2. Confirm or enter: in the address field.
  3. Click connect.
  4. Enter your Boston IVF username with at the end.  Ex. [email protected]
  5. Enter your Network Password.
  6. You will receive a notification on your cell phone to approve the connection.  Tap approve on your cell phone.
  7. Open Remote Desktop and the Remote Computer you want to access.
  8. Enter your Boston IVF username and password.
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